Monday, February 12, 2007

non-reading week

Everyone like my new template? I myself can't stop oohing and ahhing at it.

New job and I are liking each other very much...I think job will ask me out on a date next week. haha. No, not really, but I can see myself working there at least for awhile, not only because of the perks, but I mean, I get to work with my best friend, it's downtown (easy to get to), and my other co-workers are great as well. With my Saturdays-only job, it's so lonely; to get through it, I end up calling someone and catching up.

I just checked my online banking, and holy shit, I haven't had that much in there for a LONG time. Damn you, Visa Bill, for bringing me down! I do enjoy having a payday each week, such is the luxury of working 2 jobs.

I feel bad for not doing that much this reading week but I've been so busy: I've worked everyday since I've been off. I did START my stats assignment. But I'm not even half done it yet, and I have 3 mid-terms within 2 weeks of going back to school, plus 2 days of homework for one of my classes, due the week of return. I guess I'll, once again, bring my homework to work tomorrow, perhaps I'll get some done before I start...otherwise, I'm looking at Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Now, I'm tired, so sleeep!

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