I've been busy. Well, pretty busy.
The rest of my reading week was spent resting. Saturday was my new work's supervisor's going away party. I made spinach dip! It was nice to hang out with people from a job, again. I haven't done that...in a really long time.
Many busy days back from reading week. The first two days were spent cramming for my Stats midterm, which took place on Wednesday. Fuckin' eh! I ended up getting 97% which is ridiculously awesome. I was thrilled.
Wednesday was also the night of Colin James. I have some pictures that I took before the camera nazis came to tell people to put their cameras away (though she didn't tell me to put it away--strange because my camera is gigantic) but I've been too busy to put them up (really, I am always forgetting to upload unless there is someone who's waiting to see them)
The roadie fellow remembered me! Always nice to see, I will be sure to bring him some guitar pick earrings next time.
The performance was great, as always, I'm not a huge fan of the little big band stuff, but it was still fun.
Worked Friday, and went to HB's for some chai latté, then H picked me up and we went to Dylan's on Pembina. We always have an experience. There was this silly drunk old man that kept telling us that we had "beautiful hair" and he touched my arm and we immediately said "please get away, you're making us uncomfortable". Crosstown Rivals to the rescue!
Saturday was hell. office job decided not to tell me that I was to have three times as much work as usual. When I left, after being there for 7 1/2 hours (I'm usually only there for around 5) I was already an hour late for ticketmaster. for a 3 1/2 hour event shift. Fuck. I was really upset. Fortunately, some James Bond and pizza cheered me up when I got home.
Today was my management theory and org behavior midterm and lemme tell you, it did not go well. That's what happens when you cram two chapters of reading in on Friday, 4 chapters in on Sunday night.
I'll have to redeem myself on my managerial accounting midterm on Thursday. I can only hope.
P.S. I got tickets for Thornley/Inward Eye and The ZOMBIES!!! Whoot!!!
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