Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Why does all this shit have to happen at the same time?

In the past 24 hours, I've a) gotten food poisoning/upset stomach from my 11-hour old sub, b) given up almost 4 hours of sleep so that I could talk to my prof, c) had some terrible unmentionable group problems with our report, d) taken a three-hour computer science, all the while not sure exactly what I was doing, e) said goodbye to my oldest friend that is not related by blood to me. The last item is the least of my worries, though.

Yesterday was a nice escape to S's house, despite still doing a bit of studying for computer science. JSS in your house should be awesome. If i can make it that long.

1 comment:

H said...

awww fast food isn't good for that long, not even sammiches!