What a great escape from studying.
I had been cooped up in my house studying for the past two days, and tonight, I first went out with my mum to buy boots (we succeeded!). Then, Heather came by to pick me up and we had a ridiculously hard time finding a parking spot in a neighbourhood where the CN holiday train was going to stop. We ran as fast as we could considering h still has pneumonia and we both were weighed down with boots, long johns, mittens, and bulky cameras. Still, we made it long before the train arrived, and with ample time to find Holly (who just came home this evening from ottawa) and Blaine.
Sure, Wide Mouth Mason played 3 songs--way too short of a set, but it was awesome. The boys always make the hardcores feel special with their special acknowledgements onstage.
I took an insane amont of pictures, 206, for the length of the set, haha...but I cut it down to 75.
Aww, yeah.
Anywho, I'm off to bed, then work, and then home to stress about studying. I had the goal of finishing two chapters of accounting a day, then doing midterms (and while doing this, also studying for my 4 other subjects) but the only thing I've studied so far is two chapters of accounting in 2 days...no other subjects. So I'm going to have to make the best out of my time on the bus tomorrow, read at least one chapter, possibly two from the textbook. Then do the questions for both tomorrow, and then at least I'll be sort of caught up. We'll see.
I'm so busy worrying about accounting that I haven't had time to worry about computer science, despite having my c.s. exam 2 days before acc...grr. Although I beat S on almost all of the assignments, he's totally gonna kick my ass on the test, as I don't really know what I'm doing half the time.
Gah. I'd better get to bed while the thoughts of wide mouth mason dance in my head, not accumulated amortization.
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