Old Market Square. What a glorious place. Made even more beautiful by the fact that from my new workplace, I can hear the goings on from our fourth floor office, which looks out onto the space. Today I saw the Sheepdogs, of Saskatchewan.

I would say that they were a decent mix between the Allman Brothers and Stillwater (seriously. I was waiting for one of them to say "and the chicks are great". But honestly, pretty groovy tunes, would've liked to share the experience with one of my dudettes--R, (currently off in Deutschland--or is it another country by now? either way,
jealous), H, not in the downtown area, and other H, working for the man x2. Next time, buds. Anywho, this band is on its way to Bonnaroo Music Festival, next stop, potentially the next Rolling Stones cover? Good luck guys. Prove to the world that Rock n'Roll has not heard its last death rattle!
Best purchase of the month has to be the Sookie Stackhouse novel series. Through Amazon, I bought book 1-8 as a set as well as book 11 which just came out (I already have book 10, gonna need boox 9 soon!). Makes for a good way to spend my lunch hours. Though I've read them all before, I like (or don't like...?) the reminder of how poorly the TV will portray these story lines. Speaking of which, Season 4 starts later this month. I'm interested to see how they will be continuing the show. I think Season 3 going into the tangents like it did (Sookie shooting off electricity through her finger tips? Lafayette still alive? Russell Edgington?) really distracted from the main ideas of the book...aka, Sookie and her relationships. *steps off soapbox*
That's interesting - most people I've heard discussing the differences have said True Blood is way better than the Sookie novels. I haven't read them yet, or watched more than a few episodes of the show, but I'm curious.
Well, it's like everything adapted from a book/books. There are going to be a lot of things skipped because some plots are not as adaptable to live-action/not as exciting. The books focus more on Sookie, which I like, prolly because of my gender and age, but the TV show really targets a much greater demographic, so you have your Eric fans, your Bill fans, your Sookie fans, and even your Lafayette/Sam/Jessica/Pam/Jason fans! Different Strokes, I guess.
My big worry is that a lot of plot lines that have already been changed in Seasons 1-3 are going to vastly affect upcoming seasons, which include my favourites of the book series.
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