What else happened in August?
I had my birthday party...I turned 20 on the 20th, whoot. Got lots of sweet stuff--surround sound speakers, a new tv card, a new roller chair, V for Vendetta and lots else!
August 26th was Queens of the Stone Age. It was a great show, don't get me wrong; however, I did not enjoy it as much as the last show I saw, at the Burt. The convention centre sucks as a venue, for one thing. The mosh pit felt like I was dying.
The new album is also not my favourite...I much prefer Songs for the Deaf and Lullabies to Paralyze.
I took some pictures...
Plus, they were out of the hoodie I wanted to purchase :(
I went to the lake this weekend, as one last hoopla before the end of summer...it was too cold to be in the water for long, but walking into the water, there were no rocks, it was excellent. I didn't get any pictures, Rach did (I didn't even bother)
And Friday was supposed to be my last day at work, but they needed my help so I'm coming back for Tuesday and Wednesday, then going to school on Thursday.
Lots of stuff coming up for September and the school year in general:
-Got hired as a TA for Computer Usage 1 for the Fall Term. It pays really well and I got an A+ in the course when I took it last term, so it's a perfect job for me!
-The Western States on the first day of Classes--I keep missing them!
-The Banjo Bowl Concert featuring 54-40 and the Waking Eyes - September 8th
-Inward Eye, free show for orientation - September 14th!
-Danko Jones, myBar - September 18th
I think one of the biggest reasons I'm looking forward to going back to school is a new agenda...for serious.
So September is really looking up, month-wise.
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