Tuesday, November 28, 2006

whee! almost free!

It's kind of funny that in order to remember what I've done in the past month, I have to look at what pictures I took.

October 28th was Jet Set Satellite's Hallowe'en Haunt. It was great, especially since the band dressed up!

Sweet, huh? I am currently trying to win a contest to get these guys to play in my house...well, if I won, it'd be at s's house, since his parents are helping tons.

November 12th was Rach's birthday... here are some commemorative pictures:

Yes, those are broken glasses. or rather, one broken glass, made into many pieces of glass!

The Grey Cup 2006 - The deliverer of so much more than football! My fun started on November 16th, with the first of the socials.

Easily Amused were great as usual--currently uploading the pics to my photobucket.
Kyle Riabko--eek! So great. Pictures to be uploaded after the Easily Amused ones...*sigh*, so behind on that!

I think it was so much fun to have both of my sisters, and heather and ashley...yay.

November 17th was insane, as well. It started out with dinner with my sweetie...mmm, Johnny G's famous steak dinner! Delicious as usual.

Then, onward to the Beach Boys! Um...if I did it over again, I probably wouldn't have gone, seeing as our tix were $60. And only one original member, Mike Love, who looked like he was going to break into two at the waist at any moment. He still has wit, at least. Oddly enough, they decided to do covers, like California Dreamin'...why? I know that's a great song, but you have so many songs in your repetoire.
After the Beach Boys, I ran to the Convention Centre--literally sideswiping people. Bathroom line was too long--decided to hold my pee...coatcheck line was too long, decided to hold my coat. Crowd for Sam Roberts was pretty crazy...so many drunk football fans! I didn't manage to find Heather and Ashley until nearly the end of the set, but I still have some fun...Sam was great.
Many many pictures taken...will be uploaded in rotation.

I had my work x-mas party on Friday, November 24. That was fun, because it was also my dad's holiday party (he got me my summer/part-time job)...They had such great prizes that I was quite upset at not winning any. They also had a fun casino. Steve and I had fun playing blackjack.

picture of me and my mom:


And time for supper but hopefully by my next update, I'll have pictures from Jordan Cook's show on Sunday to post on here!


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