update, update.
So my recovery from surgery went well, but I managed to get the common cold, which for me, adds incredible body achiness for a week, sneezing, coughing, and me being a complete suck.
Thankfully, that is over with. I really want to get the flu shot this year, since I seem to get colds so easily.
Danko Jones rocked. Except for me getting groped by some chick behind me. *sigh*. And no guy I was with would switch me spots...come on, it was like a free lap dance except from behind! Oh well... pics! dankojones.net, go check them out.
The next night was the Who and I cannot stop saying good things about them.
(review, taken off of what I posted on the Winnipeg Message Board and the Jet Set Satellite Message board):
The Who
Ahh! I had an AMAZING TIME! I was wary about paying TOO much for tickets, so I went with the $79 which came to just under $100/ticket. I was going into the concert with the "maybe I should've splurged a bit more to get better seats" because even we got 300-section. Well, we got a bit of surprise...they closed our section - I guess it didn't sell that well, and we were relocated to 106, 2nd row...freaking awesome!
I was wary about Inward Eye, as the last time I saw them at the WECC, I was unimpressed...I used to LOVE these guys, one time I rocked out so hard that I couldn't get out of bed the next day...this was without any liquor, too, guys. However, it looks like they've been touching up their stage show more, and they're back to their crazy selves!
Townshend rocked his guitar--it was unfortunate that he kept on having trouble with his amp, though.
Daltry strugged on some lines, but for others, had me going "YEAH!!!". The scream at the end of "Won't Get Fooled Again' had EVERYONE cheering, it was rather unexpected.
I don't have the setlist, but according to the Sun:
Can't Explain
The Seeker
Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere
Who Are You
Behind Blue Eyes
Real Good Looking Boy
Wire & Glass medley (6 songs from their mini-opera)
Baba O'Reily
Eminence Front
You Better You Bet
Won't Get Fooled Again
My Generation
Encore: (Just guessing the order)
Pinball Wizard
See Me, Feel Me (is this the song name?)
Joni Mitchell cover
As well, they had an amazing stage setup, the screens behind them had graphics specific to each song, really well done.
I think the only people in the entire arena who were sitting down (besides the people who are physically not able to stand up) were the people sitting behind us. And they felt the need to tap me on my shoulder and tell me to sit down. Screw them.
So yeah...fab-u-lous!
I babysat a kitty this weekend and it was so sweet. The cutest little kitten there was (besides the legendary Pinkerton). The only bad part: getting my nose scratched today...that mutha kills!
I think I'm going to grow out my bangs, get a trim, and continue to grow out the rest of my hair.
And my slurpee has just begun to hit me like ecstacy hits a raver...except that I needs to get to bed soon...school tomorrow.
and, my heart is crying out to play guitar. I just need to find some time.
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