Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm a big kid now!

This deserved a huge update! I cannot count the number of times I've opened up the dashboard only to get distracted by the internetz and run out of "time" to blog.

Ok, first things first: I moved in with Steve! We live at the top floor of a house in a quiet little neighbourhood near-ish downtown. Kudos to MIL for taking picture on moving day, haha, I don't think I've even TAKEN any pictures inside or out of the house yet in the last month and a half.

I guess I've lived on my own-ish before, in Toronto, but it's very different living with someone else. Some chores work out ok: I like doing the laundry, because some of my clothes have special instructions--anything can be done with his, and he doesn't mind taking out the garbage and recycling. However, and I don't know if this is because I'm a female, or semi-neurotic, or my mother's daughter, but I'll be puttering around the house getting various tasks done and I just have no clue why a)S doesn't realize that these things need to be done b)S doesn't offer to help and c)I end up getting mad when I have to do things myself. I think I've just determined that certain things bother me more than S, and he doesn't realize things need to be done, but if I ask (and not yell) he will do them. So, we'll see how things work today with a HoneyDo list

I am now also gainfully employed. yay! So far, so good, but I really haven't gone through the right amount of training in my 2 weeks there, as August=everyone takes holidays. I expect things to get a lot more challenging in the next few weeks. The office is nice, the girls in the same job as me are close to my age, so we get along quite well, and we have a kitchen, a monthly-ish lunch, and potlucks.

July and August have been filled with lots of events, concerts, and gettogethers!

June 26: Ok, well, it was still in June, but near the end...I had a grad party at the 'rents house, which ended up turning into a moving out/let mom show off her newly renovated kitchen party. Despite a pretty epic thunderstorm in the middle of it, it turned out excellent. There was a little 3-year-old there. and Let me explain something to don't like me. I'm too loud and brash, I have no idea what to say to them, and they usually just hide behind their parents when I come near. Well, this little guy really liked hanging out with me! Maybe to do with the fact that I gave him a tambourine and egg shaker to play with, and blew bubbles for him, and gave him ICE CREAM (which I had to finish anyways :D)
THEN, it moved on to even more epic proportions: karaoke. Got a decent amount of people there to begin with, followed by my rents and aunt/uncle/some distant relative later. AWESOME! Did probably my best ever version of
Highway to Hell! Aaand of course we ended the night with Bohemian Rhapsody so yeah, epicness just rolling off our tongues that night.

July 1st: (moving day) and also Canada Day at the Forks, and also WELCOME BACK ERIN! Went to see the Waking Eyes at the folks (never disappoint) and fireworks (I am disappoint)

July 3rd: H and I went to this Manitoba homecoming thing at the Forks, just to see Inward Eye play 4 songs. We rocked hard! Add this with 40°C weather with humidity and you could just see our exhaustion. We then headed down to Old Market Square for the Jazz Fest wrap-up Weekend, because Retro Rhythm Review was playing. Lots of fun, even when it started raining! I can't recall if we ended up going to karaoke after this, H, did we?

The middle of July was just a LOT of work at Ticketmaster. Bomber shifts, and I worked nearly the entire Folk Fest. That was fun, I guess, but I'm not huge into camping or eating outdoors, or portapotties. I'll take regular plumbing, please. The music was pretty good, but I'm not really one to spend a pretty penny on a lot of bands I don't know if I'll like.

July 31: Wide Mouth Mason show # 18, in Minnedosa at Rockin' the Fields. The show was pretty awesome, we got a SHOUTOUT from the guys during the show, I gave myself whiplash, and I think, were surrounded more or less with peeps who were enjoying the set.

August 7th: Rock on the Range! I originally wanted to see the Arkells, Danko Jones, and the Trews, in that order, but the Arkells went on tour with Tokyo Police Club instead (boo...but I'll see them in Sept, that tour stops in Winnipeg). Danko's set was great, but very short, and the Trews' set ended in a very bad mosh pit which almost cost H her glasses. We stayed in the stands for the remainder of the night, and enjoyed Godsmack thoroughly.

And...I have more, but I just got a king-size bed delivered, hence the reason I was up so early on a Saturday without having to work, and I'm gonna go christen it!