Friday, January 01, 2010

this is the final countdown

Top 5 Bands I've seen this year (for the first time)

1. The Arkells
I saw this band 3, count'em, 3 times in 2009. The last time, in November, was the greatest, as Heath and Rach were there to share the experience with me. The best band to come out of Hamilton since...well, has there been another band?

2. Great Bloomers
I saw this band in Toronto oh, 3 times? and then once more in Winnipeg with my sisters, both of whom felt a deep like for them! They are the closest genre to country that I will admit to liking and even still, I would consider them more pop than anything else, as they are great to dance to!

3. Jet
I've been waiting to see Jet for the loooongest time and I got the shock of my life when they actually came to Toronto when I was there, and an even bigger shock when they came to Winnipeg in the fall. They are great live! And their Scottish roadie is ridiculously nice!

4. Jamie Cullum
Jamie was FAB-u-lous! Any man that will open up his piano, pluck the strings, and then jump on top has my vote as a great entertainer. He also has the same birthday as me, and gave me cheek kisses when I informed him of this! *swoon*

5. AC/DC
Been waiting to see this band since at least 2001, and got the chance to see them twice in 2009, once in Fargo, once in Winnipeg. For a band that has been around this long, it's great to see that they are still great performers. Angus is INSANE! and you've gotta love stage gimmicks like giant tattooed boobular women.

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